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YouSport – Sports Trade Handbook

Make your brand seen in the YouSport – Sports Trade Handbook!

The printed reference directory that covers the entire Finnish sports retail sector is published each February. The YouSport – Sports Trade Handbook offers all important contact and product range information from all major suppliers in one place: the different indexes offer all necessary brand and contact information routinely used by the retail sector.

The Handbook is easily accessible for stores, as it is distributed free of charge to all Finnish sports stores. The directory also offers other everyday information that can be routinely used in the sports trade business.

The indexes in the Handbook are also published in electronic format on this website. Website brand visibility is offered through a yearly subscription. The website also offers other services, such as a platform for publishing press releases on the web site.

Contents of the printed handbook:


The brand index describes the product selections of individual suppliers. The alphabetical brand index details the company name of each brand, and the page number guides to the website of the company.


The alphabetical business directory lists all companies related to the Finnish sports trade sector known to the publisher at the time of publication. In addition to the company name, the index contains addresses and telephone numbers.


Companies can purchase an ad in the printed Handbook that can give detailed information about the brand. The page number of the ad is also entered in the printed directory next to the company name. In addition, all ads purchased are seen on this website and they are linked to company websites. Therefore, the URL of the company website is also needed when purchasing ads in the yearly printed Handbook.


A calendar of sports trade related events serves as an everyday tool for the industry’s stakeholders.

Get connected in the Finnish sports trade sector – people in the branch are constantly looking for both brands and companies!

The Media Kit

The Media Kit of the YouSport – Sports Trade Handbook

Contact our sales team now!

Mikko Salmensuo
Sales Manager, Saarsalo Oy
+ 358 44 777 5112

Timo Lepistö

Sales Manager, Saarsalo Oy
+ 358 44 534 9878