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Brand directory

The sports retail sector brand directory describes the product selections of Finnish sports retail sector suppliers. In the directory it is easy to find the name of the company that represents a brand.

CALLING ALL COMPANIES! Do you want your details to be included in the directory? The brand directory is a paid service that includes brand directory visibility and the right to publish four releases in the YouSport news release service. YouSport informs the media and influencers every month about all the new releases published in the service. You can upload your own logo to the brand directory.

Read more about the YouSport annual contract that includes the brand directory here or contact

MOLTEN pallot. PRO MATCH palloilu- ja harjoittelutarvikkeet. SUBLIMOIDUT peliasut ja seuravaatteet. SISU hammassuojat. TRESPASS ulkoiluvaatteet.